Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Character Profile: Gadeebee Seebo Grizzley DePaul of the Turan Clan III

Maestor Gadeebee Seebo Grizzly DePaul of the Turan Clan III
Race: Gnome
Class: Artificer (originally a bard without perform)

Gadeebee was always innovative and creative, believing that curiosities should almost always be explored. He found at a young age that he was able to grasp concepts and idea that stumped even the wisest of elders in the Turan clan. A humble little village of gnomes, they had lead relevantly peaceful lives, until the trolls showed up. The trolls laid siege to them, only to be driven off by a group of adventurers. Gadeebee instantly fell in love with the idea of becoming an adventurer, and immediately proved his worth by crafting useful items for the adventurers. Arranging a series of traps around his home filled with acid and alchemist fire, the trolls were beaten back. His home safe, he decided that he should explore more of the world and became an adventurer himself.

Gadeebee is an exceptionally daring adventurer, surviving thanks more to luck and quick thinking rather then any combat ability. He has a bad habit of finding traps... and purposefully activating them to see how they work. His plans often bordered on the insane (making a giant buzzsaw bicycle to deal with zombie lumberjacks) but often led to amazing results (defeating an army using only level 0 spells) sometimes to epicly absurd levels (punching a positive energy hole the size of a kingdom in Ravenloft.)

Gadeebee ended up marrying his love, rubbed elbows with the great gob Jobob, and founded his own school. He proved that knowledge and creativity was a force as great as any army, as any spell, as any god.

Author's notes
I will never have a character as memorable or successful as Gadeebee was. Through some VERY generous DM interpreting the rules, and a blunt focus in what he did, he was able to create ANY magical item, without cost, in 8 hours. This ability was actually not abused as much as it could have been, with Gadeebee preferring silly, creative solutions rather then blunt force. Of course when an explosion was required... he made a point to make the biggest one he could, just ask Ravenloft :D

The idea of a purely support caster was something I've done before. In a short lived game that was run by either Tim or John, I played a bitter, cranky Dwarf Wizard that had only buff spells. That character was based off of Dr. Smith, complete with creative insults to the party fighter who did all of the dwarfs heavy work for him. Despite it only running maybe 5 sessions I had a ball playing him and vowed a way to bring him back.

A couple of years later I started college, met Brian, and got back into DnD. I showed up on day one with a character with no combat ability other then tricking a goblin that he should drink a bottle of alchemist fire... no really.

Gadeebee's name, well the "Gadeebee" part, was actually from the sound that I imagined what a dying goblin sounds like. The rest of it was from what I read that in 3.5 DnD, Goblins were given a different name by each of their family members and each important figure in their life. I fell in love with the idea and decided I wanted to make him have the longest name that I could remember.

I did have his back ground story about the Turan clan being at odds with the troll planned as an explanation for him always keeping Alchemist fire and acid on hand... nothing came of it though.

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