This is the final round of questions (better late than never.) I will be setting up the forum this week and if we get these responces quickly then we can start soon! This has the potential to turn into one of the larger projects I've done so I have to thank everyone who has either pitched in already or just joins.
I have a nasty habit of starting projects and not finishing them. There have been exceptions to the rule, but I actually hope this is going to not only be that. I want this to be the point where the rule changes. I have several goals for this game. and I'm looking forward to making this a journey that we all make together (sappy but true.)
The main reason for this last set of questions is to find out where the countries stand in terms of religion. I've talked some things over with the members who voted that their country be religious and there are probably going to be two major religions in the world.
The Old Ways: There are many holy figures each one commonly represented by an animal. They are commonly worshiped together by the public, with particular sects focusing on individual ones. A person can focus his prayers on just one of the figures, but will be respectful towards all of them. Each country was said to have been founded by one of them, but that is mostly thrown out as commoner supersticion.
The Lord of Light: The main religion founded in Novogal. The Lord of Light is the central figure of the religion. Unlike the followers of the old ways Lord of Light is much more organized and formal. Great cathedrals are built, one for each the sanctified war hero who brought "light to the world"
As a third option, people can skip worshiping gods and instead directly pray towards their honored ancestors, figures of their past who have risened to legendary status for their deeds.
Of course some people will just take any help they can get, and isn't too picky on who hears their prayers as long as they are answered.